The Log Dream
by Buddy Cole Inspired by The Kids in the Hall
Here's another piece I did a few years ago...it helps if you're real familiar with The Kids in the Hall and "the pear dream" skit.
Or if you just groove real well to Lynch...I guess it won't matter. ;)
The wind blew through the Douglas firs outside The Great Northern, lazily stirring the branches. Somewhere, a tenor sax and a snare drum played a low, jazzy beat.
Agent Dale Cooper awoke suddenly, sitting up straight in his bed. His face was pale, and his dark hair and his blue pajamas stuck to his sweaty skin. Slowly, his breathing returned to normal.
Beside him, the covers moved. "Coop?" Special Agent Denise Brycen, aka Dennis Brycen, DEA, sat up in concern. "Are you all right?"
"I had the log dream," Dale replied, staring off into space.
Reaching over, Denise rubbed his shoulders. "Do you know what it means?"
"No." Cooper glanced at her/him. While most women worried about how they looked in the morning, Denise was probably the only one he knew who had a heavy beardline. Smiling, he stroked the long, brown hair of his fellow agent's wig. "Sorry."
Denise looked into Dale's eyes, then the two laid back down together.
The branch of a Douglas fir brushed the window like the sound of a little man from another dimension dancing on a table.
Agent Cooper awoke, disoriented, and looked around. "I had the log dream again!" he exclaimed.
Forensics specialist Albert Rosenfeld sat up, fixing him with a serious stare. "Again?" He hesitated, studying Dale's features. "Was... was I there?"
"No," Cooper replied solemnly. "But Windom Earle was."
Albert grimaced. "Then we are lost."
Turning away, he dropped back down onto the pillows. After a moment, Dale followed suit.
The wind continued to blow through the Douglas firs. Somewhere in the distance, an owl hooted.
With a gasp, Agent Cooper sat bolt upright in bed.
"What?" Sheriff Harry S. Truman mumbled around a yawn, and pulled himself into a sitting position.
"Did you say something?" asked Deputy Hawk, as he sat up on the other side of Dale.
The three men looked at each other, shrugged, and lay back down.
It was a beautiful morning in the town of Twin Peaks. Sunlight filtered through the window into Special Agent Dale Cooper's room at The Great Northern Inn. Birds twittered in the branches of a Douglas fir.
Cooper opened his eyes, looking at the pillow next to his own. The Log lay there, its one severed branch sticking up.
Dale smiled fondly, reaching over to caress the log's bark. "Shh," he murmured. "It's all right. Go back to sleep."
Snuggling in with his companion, the FBI agent sighed deeply and returned to the Lodge of Good Dreams.
The End...???
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