What's New?

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May 15, 2005
One new story from Match! (Life, Stilled)

November 10, 2002
One new story from Tiriel! (Last Words).

May 27, 2002
One new story from umbrarumregni! (The Waiting Room).

May 22, 2001
Two new stories from Serin! (Bondage, Way Ahead Of You).

November 5, 2000
Shock of shocks, there's new stuff here! New challenges, fixed a broken link, and a new story by Serin (A Beautiful Thing)

July 17, 2000
New challenge

July 4, 2000
New story! (Bedtime Story)

June 17, 2000
Look, Ma, another update! New story (Keeping Awake).

June 13, 2000
New stories (Healing the Living, Gossip, "Het" Means "Hot" in Norwegian, Passover), updated links, challenges, snippets, and a bunch of other tinkering. Now that I've found a way around much of Dencity's misbehavior and finished grad school, archive updates should be more frequent. Keep your fingers crossed.

Apr. 17, 2000
Two new stories (Walk Away, Beard Burn)

Feb. 21, 2000
Three new stories (Pull, Reptile, The Letter)

Feb. 17, 2000
Updated challenges, snippets, links, two new stories (Your Coworker..., The Princess Bride TP Style)

Jan. 23, 2000
Long time since the last update...new snippet, new story (Secret Tapes Xmas)

Sep. 29, 1999
New graphic, new story (Log Dream), new challenge, new snippet!

Sep. 26, 1999
Want a quick and easy way to know when this archive has been updated? You can now join the BBUpdate list and be notified of all archive updates! A subscription link is now on the main archive page.

Sep. 25, 1999
New story (Fall) and new title graphic!

Sep. 22, 1999
New stories! (Last Dance, Enough) Also a new challenge.

Sep. 18, 1999
New stories! (Circle, TP Glossary, Paradox)

Sep. 16, 1999
New story! (Complicated)

Sep. 14, 1999
New links, one new story! (Awareness)

Sep. 13, 1999
In honor of Albert's birthday, three new Albert stories! (Secret Tapes..., Private Letters..., Coincidence)

Sep. 10, 1999
New story! (Enough)

Sep. 9, 1999
New links, other minor site tinkerings.

Sep. 8, 1999
New story! (Together)

Sep. 5, 1999
Two stories added! (The Visitor, Retreat)
Also added the new snippets section!

Sep. 4, 1999
Another story added! (Approach II)
Also added the first links to the links page, and changed the look of the site a little.

Aug. 29, 1999
Another story added! (Approach)

Aug. 24, 1999
Added two more stories! (The Bureau, Free Agents)

Aug. 17, 1999
Added our very first story links! (Wonderful, Road Trip)